Full documentation for developers

The DeepErwin codebase consists of several key modules:

  • cli is the main entry point to using the code. It sets up calculations and dispatches them to be calculated locally or on a SLURM cluster.

  • process_molecule and process_molecules_shared contain the main program for optimizing a single molecule, or multiple molecules in an interdependent way (e.g. by using weight-sharing).

  • model contains all neural network architectures. The contain methods to build the wavefunction which computes \(\psi\) from electron coordinates \(r\).

  • optimization and evaluation contain the respective methods to optimize and later evaluate wavefunctions. They contain imports for more advanced second-order optimizers such as KFAC or BFGS.

  • hamiltonian defines the basic Schrödinger equation, in particular defining how to compute local energies from a wavefunction using automatic differentiation.

  • configuration contains all default settings for running a DeepErwin calculation

  • utils contains various utility functions to support the core code.

If you have checked out the GIT repository, you will also find these directories next to the actual deeperwin-python-package:

  • doc containing this documentation

  • sample_configs containing exemplary calculations with configurations that are ready to run. These example purposefully use computationally cheap settings, so they can easily be tried on a local computer. For publishable calculations we recommend to use the (computationally more demanding) default settings.
