Configuration Options

We store all configuration options in a nested data structure derived from pydantic models. This provides parsing from configuration files, default management, input validation, and autocompletion (both for code as well as for config-files).

To get a schema of all possible config options and there defaults refer to sample_configs/config_schema.json, which can also be used in IDEs to provide autocompletion when writing config files.

The most common config-options are listed in the table below, follwed by a full documentation of the entire config datastructure:

Major configuration options






Name of the molecule to be calculated, e.g. N2, CO, etc. For several small molecules this automatically popoulates the geometry, nuclear charges, electron number and spin

R, Z, n_electrons, n_up

Physical properties (e.g. geometry) of your system in atomic units (bohr)



Type of model to use, e.g. “dpe1” (arxiv:2105.08351), “dpe4” (arxiv:2205.09438), “ferminet”. This sets all model-related defaults and allows subsequent changes to be made from there.


Enable/disable a local coordinate system for each ion

features.use_distance_features, features.use_el_el_differences, features.use_el_ion_differences

Choose input features to be fed into embedding: Distances (scalar) and/or differences (3D vectors)

Type of embedding to use to use, e.g. “dpe1”, “dpe4”, “ferminet”


Number of embedding iterations (=embedding network depth)

embedding.n_hidden_one_el, embedding.n_hidden_one_el

For FermiNet, DeeepErwin: Number of hidden neurons in one-electron and two-electron streams


Number of determinants to use for building the wavefunction


Config-options related to FermiNet-like exponential envelope orbitals


Config-options related to PauliNet-like orbitals from a baseline calculation (e.g. Hartree-Fock)


Type of optimizer, e.g. “adam”, “rmsprop”, “kfac”, “kfac_adam”


Initial learning-rate during optimization. May be modified during optimization by the LR-schedule (optimization.schedule).


Number of epochs to train the wavefunction model. In each epoch all n_walkers walkers are updated using MCMC and then optimized batch-by-batch.

mcmc.n_walkers, mcmc.n_inter_steps, mcmc. …

Settings for Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling during wavefunction optimization. Analogous settings can be found within evaluation and pre_training.



Number of evaluation steps after the wavefunction optimization



Number of supervised pre-training steps to take before variational optimization


wandb.entity, wandb.project

When set, this enables logging of the experiment to Weights&Biases. Set logging.wandb=None to disable W&B-logging (default).



Number of GPUs to use for parallelization


Abort computation when no GPU is found, instead of computing on CPUs



Path to a directory containing a previously successfully finished wavefunction optimization to use as initializer for this experiment.

DeepErwin hyperparameter and configuration management.

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ConfigBaseclass[source]

Base class for all config models

classmethod from_flattened_dict(config_dict, ignore_extra_settings=False)[source]
classmethod load(file) deeperwin.configuration.ConfigBaseclass[source]
classmethod update_configdict_and_validate(config_dict: dict, config_changes: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]])[source]
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.InitializationConfig[source]
field bias_scale: float = 0.0
field weight_distribution: Literal['normal', 'uniform'] = 'uniform'
field weight_scale: Literal['glorot', 'glorot-input'] = 'glorot'
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigFermiNet[source]
field emb_dim: int = 128

Embedding dimension for the electron-electron and electron-ion SchNet convolution features

field initialization: deeperwin.configuration.InitializationConfig = InitializationConfig(bias_scale=0.0, weight_scale='glorot', weight_distribution='uniform')

How to initialize weights and biases

field n_hidden_el_ions: Union[List[int], int] = 32

Number of hidden neurons per layer for the electron-ion stream in the FermiNet network

field n_hidden_one_el: Union[List[int], int] = 256

Number of hidden neurons per layer for the one electron stream in the FermiNet network

field n_hidden_two_el: Union[List[int], int] = 32

Number of hidden neurons per layer for the electron-electron stream in the FermiNet network

field n_iterations: Optional[int] = 4

Number iterations to combine features of different particle streams into the one electron stream

field name: Literal['ferminet'] = 'ferminet'
field sum_schnet_features: bool = True

Sum electron-electron and electron-ion SchNet convolution features together

field use_average_h_one: bool = True

Whether to include the average embedding of all electrons as a feature into the 1-el-stream

field use_average_h_two: bool = True

Use the average over the electron-electron stream output as additional feature for the one electron stream

field use_el_ion_stream: bool = False

Whether to generate a second stream of interactions between electrons and ions

field use_h_one: bool = True

Use the electron stream output as features for its own stream in the next iteration

field use_h_two_same_diff: bool = False

Split the electron-electron stream into same- and different spin channel. Effectively turning one stream into two seperate streams

field use_linear_out: bool = False

Use linear layer for mapping particle features to same dimension

field use_schnet_features: bool = False

Use SchNet convolution features as input to the one electron stream

field use_w_mapping: bool = False

Apply neural network for inter-particle features to further process before computing SchNet convolution

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin4[source]

DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW FIELDS HERE. This class is only used to provide alternative defaults

field n_hidden_el_ions: Union[List[int], int] = 32

Number of hidden neurons per layer for the electron-ion stream in the FermiNet network

field n_hidden_one_el: Union[List[int], int] = 256

Number of hidden neurons per layer for the one electron stream in the FermiNet network

field n_hidden_two_el: Union[List[int], int] = 32

Number of hidden neurons per layer for the electron-electron stream in the FermiNet network

field n_iterations: int = 4

Number iterations to combine features of different particle streams into the one electron stream

field name: Literal['dpe4'] = 'dpe4'
field use_el_ion_stream: bool = True

Whether to generate a second stream of interactions between electrons and ions

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin1[source]
field deep_w = False

Whether to process inter-particle features further or to use for every SchNet iteration the inter-particle distances

field embedding_dim: int = 64

Dimensionality of embedding vectors, including intermediate network widths.

field n_hidden_g: List[int] = [40]

Number of hidden neurons per layer of the g-Network within SchNet. The g-network applies a final non-linear transformation at the end of each SchNet round. If not specified the width as specified in net_width and depth = net_depth - 1 is used

field n_hidden_h: List[int] = [40, 40]

Number of hidden neurons per layer of the h-Network within SchNet. The h-network takes the embedding of the previous iteration as input and computes a new embedding per particle, which is then weighted using the w-networks. If not specified the width/depth as specified in net_width/net_depth is used

field n_hidden_w: List[int] = [40, 40]

Number of hidden neurons per layer of the w-Network within SchNet. The w-network takes pairwise features between particles as inputs and calculates the weight of each embedding dimension as output. If not specified the width/depth as specified in net_width/net_depth is used

field n_iterations: int = 2

Number of embedding iterations for SchNet

field name: Literal['dpe1'] = 'dpe1'

Identifier for this model-part. Fixed.

field one_el_input: bool = False
field use_res_net: bool = False

Whether to use residuals for the networks

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.CuspCorrectionConfig[source]
field cusp_type: Literal['mo', 'ao'] = 'mo'

Mode how to calculate cusp-corrected orbitals. ‘ao’ computes a cusp correction for each atomic orbital (i.e. for each basis function), ‘mo’ computes a cusp correction for each molecular orbital (i.e. each solution of the HF-calculation). For atoms both cusp_types should be equivalent, but for molecules the simpler ‘ao’ cusps can in principle not correctly model the cusps that arise from an atomic wavefunction having a finite contribution at a different nucleus.

field r_cusp_el_ion_scale: float = 1.0

Scaling parameter for the electron-ion cusp corrections. No cusp correction is applied outside a radius r_cusp_el_ion_scale / Z

field use: bool = True
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.CASSCFConfig[source]
field basis_set: str = '6-311G'

Basis set to use for the Hartree-Fock / CASSCF calculation. See the documentation of pySCF for all available basis-sets.

field cusps: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.CuspCorrectionConfig] = CuspCorrectionConfig(use=True, cusp_type='mo', r_cusp_el_ion_scale=1.0)

Settings for the correction of wavefunction cusps when particles come close to each other

field name: Literal['casscf'] = 'casscf'

Identifier of the baseline calculation. Fixed.

field only_hf: bool = False

Only as HF orbitals as baseline method

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfig[source]
field concatenate_el_ion_features: bool [Required]

Whether to use concatenated electron-ion features as initialization for h_one; breaks equivariance

field distance_feature_powers: List[int] [Required]

To calculate the embeddings, pairwise distances between particles are converted into input feature vectors and then fed into the embedding network. These input feature vectors partially consist of radial-basis-functions and monomials of the distance (i.e. r^n). This list specifies which exponents should be used to create the distance monomials. Note, that using powers of -1 or +1 can lead to cusps in the input features, which may or may not be desirable.

field eps_dist_feat: float [Required]

Epsilon to be used when calculating pairwise features with negative exponent n < 0. Feature vector is calculated as \(\frac{1}{dist^{-n} + eps}\)

field n_hidden_one_el_features: List[int] [Required]

Number of hidden nodes for generation of one-electron-features from el-ion-features

field n_ion_features: int [Required]

Embed nuclear charges into vectors of length n_ion_faetures

field n_one_el_features: int [Required]

Generate one-electron features as a sum of el-ion features

field n_rbf_features: int [Required]

Number of radial basis functions to use as pairwise fature vector

field use_distance_features: bool [Required]

Whether to include the absolute value of the distance (and powers of this distance) as input feature

field use_el_el_differences: bool [Required]

Whether to include electron-electron differences as input features

field use_el_el_spin: bool [Required]

Whether to include additional information about the spin configurations of the elctrons

field use_el_ion_differences: bool [Required]

Whether to include electron-ion differences as input features

field use_local_coordinates: bool [Required]

Whether to construct local coordinate systems by diagonalizing the density matrix, leading to equivariant difference featres

field use_rbf_features: bool [Required]

Whether to build distance features using gaussian functions of the distances

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigDPE1[source]

DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW FIELDS HERE. This class is only used to provide alternative defaults

field concatenate_el_ion_features: bool = False

Whether to use concatenated electron-ion features as initialization for h_one; breaks equivariance

field distance_feature_powers: List[int] = [-1]

To calculate the embeddings, pairwise distances between particles are converted into input feature vectors and then fed into the embedding network. These input feature vectors partially consist of radial-basis-functions and monomials of the distance (i.e. r^n). This list specifies which exponents should be used to create the distance monomials. Note, that using powers of -1 or +1 can lead to cusps in the input features, which may or may not be desirable.

field eps_dist_feat: float = 0.01

Epsilon to be used when calculating pairwise features with negative exponent n < 0. Feature vector is calculated as \(\frac{1}{dist^{-n} + eps}\)

field n_hidden_one_el_features: List[int] = []

Number of hidden nodes for generation of one-electron-features from el-ion-features

field n_one_el_features: int = 0

Generate one-electron features as a sum of el-ion features

field n_rbf_features: int = 32

Number of radial basis functions to use as pairwise fature vector

field name: Literal['dpe1'] = 'dpe1'
field use_distance_features: bool = True

Whether to include the absolute value of the distance (and powers of this distance) as input feature

field use_el_el_differences: bool = False

Whether to include electron-electron differences as input features

field use_el_el_spin: bool = False

Whether to include additional information about the spin configurations of the elctrons

field use_el_ion_differences: bool = False

Whether to include electron-ion differences as input features

field use_local_coordinates: bool = False

Whether to construct local coordinate systems by diagonalizing the density matrix, leading to equivariant difference featres

field use_rbf_features: bool = True

Whether to build distance features using gaussian functions of the distances

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigFermiNet[source]

DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW FIELDS HERE. This class is only used to provide alternative defaults

field concatenate_el_ion_features: bool = True

Whether to use concatenated electron-ion features as initialization for h_one; breaks equivariance

field distance_feature_powers: List[int] = [1]

To calculate the embeddings, pairwise distances between particles are converted into input feature vectors and then fed into the embedding network. These input feature vectors partially consist of radial-basis-functions and monomials of the distance (i.e. r^n). This list specifies which exponents should be used to create the distance monomials. Note, that using powers of -1 or +1 can lead to cusps in the input features, which may or may not be desirable.

field eps_dist_feat: float = 0.01

Epsilon to be used when calculating pairwise features with negative exponent n < 0. Feature vector is calculated as \(\frac{1}{dist^{-n} + eps}\)

field n_hidden_one_el_features: List[int] = []

Number of hidden nodes for generation of one-electron-features from el-ion-features

field n_one_el_features: int = 0

Generate one-electron features as a sum of el-ion features

field n_rbf_features: int = 0

Number of radial basis functions to use as pairwise fature vector

field name: Literal['ferminet'] = 'ferminet'
field use_distance_features: bool = True

Whether to include the absolute value of the distance (and powers of this distance) as input feature

field use_el_el_differences: bool = True

Whether to include electron-electron differences as input features

field use_el_el_spin: bool = False

Whether to include additional information about the spin configurations of the elctrons

field use_el_ion_differences: bool = True

Whether to include electron-ion differences as input features

field use_local_coordinates: bool = False

Whether to construct local coordinate systems by diagonalizing the density matrix, leading to equivariant difference featres

field use_rbf_features: bool = False

Whether to build distance features using gaussian functions of the distances

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigDPE4[source]

DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW FIELDS HERE. This class is only used to provide alternative defaults

field name: Literal['dpe4'] = 'dpe4'
field use_el_el_differences: bool = False

Whether to include electron-electron differences as input features

field use_local_coordinates: bool = True

Whether to construct local coordinate systems by diagonalizing the density matrix, leading to equivariant difference featres

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig[source]
field envelope_type: Literal['isotropic_exp'] = 'isotropic_exp'

Which enveolope to use for the backflow-add term

field initialization: Literal['constant', 'analytical'] = 'constant'

Use a least-squares fit to initialized the scale- and decay-parameters for the envelopes instead of constant intialization

field n_hidden: List[int] = []

List of ints, specifying the number of hidden units per layer in the backflow-factor-network.

field use_bias: bool = False

Enable / disable bias terms for the final layer of the backflow-add network

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.BaselineOrbitalsConfig[source]
field baseline: deeperwin.configuration.CASSCFConfig = CASSCFConfig(name='casscf', basis_set='6-311G', cusps=CuspCorrectionConfig(use=True, cusp_type='mo', r_cusp_el_ion_scale=1.0), only_hf=False)

Config-options for the underlying baseline calculation, typically a Complete-Active-Space Self-Consistent-Field (CASSCF) Calculation

field bf_factor_constant_bias: float = 1.0

Bias to apply to the output of the backflow factor, i.e. phi = phi_HF x (backflow + bias). If bias is set to 1.0, NN-output of zero, yields to original HF-orbitals

field n_hidden_bf_factor: List[int] = [40, 20, 20]

List of ints, specifying the number of hidden units per layer in the backflow-factor-network. If not provided, the width and depth set by net_width and net_depth are used.

field n_hidden_bf_shift: List[int] = [40, 40]

List of ints, specifying the number of hidden units per layer in the backflow-shift-network. If not provided, the width and depth set by net_width and net_depth are used.

field output_shift: Literal[1, 3] = 1

Dimensionality of the output for the backflow-shift network. Can either be scalar or 3-dimensional. Note that only a scalar output ensures rotational equivariance.

field register_scale = False

Whether to register the parameterst that scale the output of the backflow networks as parameters for KFAC optimization

field use_bf_factor: bool = True

Enable the backflow-factor, i.e. multiply the CASSCF orbitals with the output of a neural network

field use_bf_factor_bias: bool = True

Enable / disable bias terms for the final layer of the backflow-factor network

field use_bf_shift: bool = True

Enable the backflow-shift, i.e. shift all electron coordinates by a neural network before calculating the CASSCF orbitals

field use_trainable_scales: bool = True

Scale the network outputs by a trainable float. Clever initialization of this scale can speed-up training, but in principle also introduces redundant parameters.

field use_trainable_shift_decay_radius: bool = True

Backflow-shift decays to 0 close the the nuclei to ensure correct cusp conditions. This flag specifies whether the radius in which the shift decays is a trainable parameter or fixed.

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.OrbitalsConfig[source]
field baseline_orbitals: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.BaselineOrbitalsConfig] = None

Orbitals containing a baked-in baselin model (e.g. Hartree-Fock or CASSCF) which gets modified by 2 neural networks: backflow shifts and backflow factors

field envelope_orbitals: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig] = EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig(envelope_type='isotropic_exp', n_hidden=[], use_bias=False, initialization='constant')

Obritals containing only a simple, parametrized envelope, multiplied by a neural network

field n_determinants: int = 32

Number of determinants in the wavefunction model

field use_full_det: bool = True

Whether to use full n_el x n_el determinants, or whether to assume a block diagonal structure, represented by det(n_up x n_up)*det(n_dn x n_dn)

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.OrbitalsConfigFermiNet[source]
field baseline_orbitals: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.BaselineOrbitalsConfig] = None

Orbitals containing a baked-in baselin model (e.g. Hartree-Fock or CASSCF) which gets modified by 2 neural networks: backflow shifts and backflow factors

field envelope_orbitals: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig] = EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig(envelope_type='isotropic_exp', n_hidden=[], use_bias=False, initialization='constant')

Obritals containing only a simple, parametrized envelope, multiplied by a neural network

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.OrbitalsConfigDPE1[source]
field baseline_orbitals: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.BaselineOrbitalsConfig] = BaselineOrbitalsConfig(baseline=CASSCFConfig(name='casscf', basis_set='6-311G', cusps=CuspCorrectionConfig(use=True, cusp_type='mo', r_cusp_el_ion_scale=1.0), only_hf=False), use_trainable_scales=True, use_bf_shift=True, use_trainable_shift_decay_radius=True, n_hidden_bf_factor=[40, 20, 20], n_hidden_bf_shift=[40, 40], use_bf_factor=True, use_bf_factor_bias=True, bf_factor_constant_bias=1.0, output_shift=1, register_scale=False)

Orbitals containing a baked-in baselin model (e.g. Hartree-Fock or CASSCF) which gets modified by 2 neural networks: backflow shifts and backflow factors

field envelope_orbitals: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig] = None

Obritals containing only a simple, parametrized envelope, multiplied by a neural network

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.JastrowConfig[source]
field differentiate_spins: bool = False

Use separate functions for J(spin_up) and J(spin_down)

field n_hidden: List[int] = [40, 40]

List of ints, specifying the number of hidden units per layer in the jastrow-network. If not provided, the width and depth set by net_width and net_depth are used.

field use: bool = True
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.MLPConfig[source]
field activation: Literal['tanh', 'silu', 'elu', 'relu'] = 'tanh'
field init_bias_scale: float = 0.0
field init_weights_distribution: Literal['normal', 'truncated_normal', 'uniform'] = 'uniform'
field init_weights_scale: Literal['fan_in', 'fan_out', 'fan_avg'] = 'fan_avg'
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ModelConfig[source]

Configuration for the primary wavefunction model, which maps electron coordinate to psi

field embedding: Optional[Union[deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin4, deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigFermiNet, deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin1]] [Required]

Config-options for mapping symmetrized input features to high-dimensional embeddings of electrons

field features: deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfig [Required]

Config-options for mapping raw inputs (r,R,Z) to some symmetrized input features

field jastrow: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.JastrowConfig] [Required]

Enable the jastrow-factor, i.e. multiple the total wavefunction by the output of a global neural network

field mlp: deeperwin.configuration.MLPConfig = MLPConfig(activation='tanh', init_bias_scale=0.0, init_weights_scale='fan_avg', init_weights_distribution='uniform')

How to build multi-layer-perceptrons: Activation and how to initialize weights and biases

field orbitals: deeperwin.configuration.OrbitalsConfig [Required]

Config-options for computing orbitals from embedding vectors of electrons

field use_el_el_cusp_correction: bool [Required]

Explicit, additive el-el-cusp correction

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ModelConfigDeepErwin1[source]

DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW FIELDS HERE. This class is only used to provide alternative defaults

field embedding: Optional[Union[deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin1, deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin4, deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigFermiNet]] = EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin1(name='dpe1', embedding_dim=64, n_iterations=2, n_hidden_w=[40, 40], n_hidden_h=[40, 40], n_hidden_g=[40], use_res_net=False, one_el_input=False, deep_w=False, use_linear_layer_w=True)

Config-options for mapping symmetrized input features to high-dimensional embeddings of electrons

field features: Union[deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigDPE1, deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigFermiNet] = InputFeatureConfigDPE1(use_rbf_features=True, n_rbf_features=32, use_distance_features=True, use_el_ion_differences=False, use_el_el_differences=False, use_el_el_spin=False, use_local_coordinates=False, n_one_el_features=0, n_ion_features=0, concatenate_el_ion_features=False, n_hidden_one_el_features=[], eps_dist_feat=0.01, distance_feature_powers=[-1], name='dpe1')

Config-options for mapping raw inputs (r,R,Z) to some symmetrized input features

field jastrow: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.JastrowConfig] = JastrowConfig(use=True, n_hidden=[40, 40], differentiate_spins=False)

Enable the jastrow-factor, i.e. multiple the total wavefunction by the output of a global neural network

field name: Literal['dpe1'] = 'dpe1'
field orbitals: deeperwin.configuration.OrbitalsConfigDPE1 = OrbitalsConfigDPE1(baseline_orbitals=BaselineOrbitalsConfig(baseline=CASSCFConfig(name='casscf', basis_set='6-311G', cusps=CuspCorrectionConfig(use=True, cusp_type='mo', r_cusp_el_ion_scale=1.0), only_hf=False), use_trainable_scales=True, use_bf_shift=True, use_trainable_shift_decay_radius=True, n_hidden_bf_factor=[40, 20, 20], n_hidden_bf_shift=[40, 40], use_bf_factor=True, use_bf_factor_bias=True, bf_factor_constant_bias=1.0, output_shift=1, register_scale=False), envelope_orbitals=None, n_determinants=20, use_full_det=False)

Config-options for computing orbitals from embedding vectors of electrons

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ModelConfigDeepErwin4[source]

DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW FIELDS HERE. This class is only used to provide alternative defaults

field embedding: Optional[Union[deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin4, deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigFermiNet, deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin1]] = EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin4(name='dpe4', n_hidden_one_el=[256, 256, 256, 256], n_hidden_two_el=[32, 32, 32], n_hidden_el_ions=[32, 32, 32], n_iterations=4, use_el_ion_stream=True, use_average_h_one=True, initialization=InitializationConfig(bias_scale=0.0, weight_scale='glorot', weight_distribution='uniform'), use_average_h_two=False, use_h_one=True, use_h_two_same_diff=True, use_schnet_features=True, sum_schnet_features=False, emb_dim=32, use_linear_out=False, use_w_mapping=True)

Config-options for mapping symmetrized input features to high-dimensional embeddings of electrons

field features: Union[deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigDPE4, deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigFermiNet, deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigDPE1] = InputFeatureConfigDPE4(use_rbf_features=False, n_rbf_features=0, use_distance_features=True, use_el_ion_differences=True, use_el_el_differences=False, use_el_el_spin=False, use_local_coordinates=True, n_one_el_features=0, n_ion_features=32, concatenate_el_ion_features=True, n_hidden_one_el_features=[], eps_dist_feat=0.01, distance_feature_powers=[1], name='dpe4')

Config-options for mapping raw inputs (r,R,Z) to some symmetrized input features

field jastrow: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.JastrowConfig] = None

Enable the jastrow-factor, i.e. multiple the total wavefunction by the output of a global neural network

field name: Literal['dpe4'] = 'dpe4'
field orbitals: deeperwin.configuration.OrbitalsConfigFermiNet = OrbitalsConfigFermiNet(baseline_orbitals=None, envelope_orbitals=EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig(envelope_type='isotropic_exp', n_hidden=[], use_bias=False, initialization='constant'), n_determinants=32, use_full_det=True)

Config-options for computing orbitals from embedding vectors of electrons

field use_el_el_cusp_correction: bool = False

Explicit, additive el-el-cusp correction

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ModelConfigFermiNet[source]

DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW FIELDS HERE. This class is only used to provide alternative defaults

field embedding: Optional[Union[deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigFermiNet, deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin4, deeperwin.configuration.EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin1]] = EmbeddingConfigFermiNet(name='ferminet', n_hidden_one_el=[256, 256, 256, 256], n_hidden_two_el=[32, 32, 32], n_hidden_el_ions=[32, 32, 32], n_iterations=4, use_el_ion_stream=False, use_average_h_one=True, initialization=InitializationConfig(bias_scale=0.0, weight_scale='glorot', weight_distribution='uniform'), use_average_h_two=True, use_h_one=True, use_h_two_same_diff=False, use_schnet_features=False, sum_schnet_features=True, emb_dim=128, use_linear_out=False, use_w_mapping=False)

Config-options for mapping symmetrized input features to high-dimensional embeddings of electrons

field features: Union[deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigFermiNet, deeperwin.configuration.InputFeatureConfigDPE1] = InputFeatureConfigFermiNet(use_rbf_features=False, n_rbf_features=0, use_distance_features=True, use_el_ion_differences=True, use_el_el_differences=True, use_el_el_spin=False, use_local_coordinates=False, n_one_el_features=0, n_ion_features=32, concatenate_el_ion_features=True, n_hidden_one_el_features=[], eps_dist_feat=0.01, distance_feature_powers=[1], name='ferminet')

Config-options for mapping raw inputs (r,R,Z) to some symmetrized input features

field jastrow: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.JastrowConfig] = None

Enable the jastrow-factor, i.e. multiple the total wavefunction by the output of a global neural network

field name: Literal['ferminet'] = 'ferminet'
field orbitals: deeperwin.configuration.OrbitalsConfigFermiNet = OrbitalsConfigFermiNet(baseline_orbitals=None, envelope_orbitals=EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig(envelope_type='isotropic_exp', n_hidden=[], use_bias=False, initialization='constant'), n_determinants=32, use_full_det=True)

Config-options for computing orbitals from embedding vectors of electrons

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.MCMCSimpleProposalConfig[source]
field name: Literal['normal', 'cauchy', 'normal_one_el'] = 'normal'
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.MCMCLangevinProposalConfig[source]
field langevin_scale: float = 1.0
field name: Literal['langevin'] = 'langevin'
field r_max: float = 2.0
field r_min: float = 0.2
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.LocalStepsizeProposalConfig[source]

Config for a local stepsize proposal rule for MCMC. Stepsize depends on distance to closest nuclei

field name: Literal['local', 'local_one_el'] = 'local'
field r_max: float = 1

Max stepsize for electron move

field r_min: float = 0.1

Minimal stepsize for electron move

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.MCMCConfig[source]

Config for Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo integration

field max_age: int [Required]

Maximum number of MCMC steps for which a walker can reject updates during optimization. After having rejected an update max_age times, the walkers is forced to accepet, to avoid getting stuck

field max_stepsize_scale: float = 1.0

Maximum stepsize. For spatially adaptive stepsize-schemes this only defines a factor which may be modified by the adaptive scheme

field min_stepsize_scale: float = 0.01

Minimum stepsize. For spatially adaptive stepsize-schemes this only defines a factor which may be modified by the adaptive scheme

field n_burn_in: int [Required]

Number of MCMC steps before starting optimization

field n_inter_steps: int [Required]

Number of MCMC steps between epochs

field n_walkers: int = 2048

Number of walkers for optimization

field proposal: Union[deeperwin.configuration.MCMCSimpleProposalConfig, deeperwin.configuration.LocalStepsizeProposalConfig, deeperwin.configuration.MCMCLangevinProposalConfig] = MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal')

Type of proposal function to use for MCMC steps

field stepsize_update_interval: int [Required]

Number of steps after which the step-size is adjusted

field target_acceptance_rate: float = 0.5

Acceptance-rate that the MCMC-runner is trying to achieve by modifying the stepsize

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.MCMCConfigPreTrain[source]
field max_age: int = 20

Maximum number of MCMC steps for which a walker can reject updates during optimization. After having rejected an update max_age times, the walkers is forced to accepet, to avoid getting stuck

field max_stepsize_scale: float = 1.0

Maximum stepsize. For spatially adaptive stepsize-schemes this only defines a factor which may be modified by the adaptive scheme

field min_stepsize_scale: float = 0.01

Minimum stepsize. For spatially adaptive stepsize-schemes this only defines a factor which may be modified by the adaptive scheme

field n_burn_in: int = 0

Number of MCMC steps before starting optimization

field n_inter_steps: int = 1

Number of MCMC steps between epochs

field n_walkers: int = 2048

Number of walkers for optimization

field proposal: Union[deeperwin.configuration.MCMCSimpleProposalConfig, deeperwin.configuration.LocalStepsizeProposalConfig, deeperwin.configuration.MCMCLangevinProposalConfig] = MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal')

Type of proposal function to use for MCMC steps

field stepsize_update_interval: int = 1000

Number of steps after which the step-size is adjusted

field target_acceptance_rate: float = 0.5

Acceptance-rate that the MCMC-runner is trying to achieve by modifying the stepsize

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.MCMCConfigOptimization[source]
field max_age: int = 20

Maximum number of MCMC steps for which a walker can reject updates during optimization. After having rejected an update max_age times, the walkers is forced to accepet, to avoid getting stuck

field max_stepsize_scale: float = 1.0

Maximum stepsize. For spatially adaptive stepsize-schemes this only defines a factor which may be modified by the adaptive scheme

field min_stepsize_scale: float = 0.01

Minimum stepsize. For spatially adaptive stepsize-schemes this only defines a factor which may be modified by the adaptive scheme

field n_burn_in: int = 1000

Number of MCMC steps before starting optimization

field n_inter_steps: int = 20

Number of MCMC steps between epochs

field n_walkers: int = 2048

Number of walkers for optimization

field proposal: Union[deeperwin.configuration.MCMCSimpleProposalConfig, deeperwin.configuration.LocalStepsizeProposalConfig, deeperwin.configuration.MCMCLangevinProposalConfig] = MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal')

Type of proposal function to use for MCMC steps

field stepsize_update_interval: int = 100

Number of steps after which the step-size is adjusted

field target_acceptance_rate: float = 0.5

Acceptance-rate that the MCMC-runner is trying to achieve by modifying the stepsize

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.MCMCConfigEvaluation[source]
field max_age: int = 100

Maximum number of MCMC steps for which a walker can reject updates during optimization. After having rejected an update max_age times, the walkers is forced to accepet, to avoid getting stuck

field max_stepsize_scale: float = 1.0

Maximum stepsize. For spatially adaptive stepsize-schemes this only defines a factor which may be modified by the adaptive scheme

field min_stepsize_scale: float = 0.01

Minimum stepsize. For spatially adaptive stepsize-schemes this only defines a factor which may be modified by the adaptive scheme

field n_burn_in: int = 500

Number of MCMC steps before starting optimization

field n_inter_steps: int = 20

Number of MCMC steps between epochs

field n_walkers: int = 2048

Number of walkers for optimization

field proposal: Union[deeperwin.configuration.MCMCSimpleProposalConfig, deeperwin.configuration.LocalStepsizeProposalConfig, deeperwin.configuration.MCMCLangevinProposalConfig] = MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal')

Type of proposal function to use for MCMC steps

field stepsize_update_interval: int = 100

Number of steps after which the step-size is adjusted

field target_acceptance_rate: float = 0.5

Acceptance-rate that the MCMC-runner is trying to achieve by modifying the stepsize

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ClippingConfig[source]
field center: Literal['mean', 'median'] = 'mean'
field clip_by: float = 5.0
field from_previous_step: bool = True
field name: Literal['hard', 'tanh'] = 'tanh'
field width_metric: Literal['std', 'mae'] = 'std'
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ConstantLRSchedule[source]
field name: Literal['fixed'] = 'fixed'
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.InverseLRScheduleConfig[source]
field decay_time: float = 6000.0
field name: Literal['inverse'] = 'inverse'
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.StandardOptimizerConfig[source]
field learning_rate: float = 0.001
field lr_schedule: Union[deeperwin.configuration.InverseLRScheduleConfig, deeperwin.configuration.ConstantLRSchedule] = InverseLRScheduleConfig(name='inverse', decay_time=6000.0)

Schedule for the learning rate decay

field name: Literal['adam', 'rmsprop_momentum', 'sgd'] = 'adam'
field scale_lr = 1.0

Factor which to apply to the learning rates of specified modules

field scaled_modules: Optional[List[str]] = None

List of parameters for which the learning rate is being scaled.

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.OptimizerConfigKFAC[source]
field curvature_ema: float = 0.95
field damping: float = 0.001
field damping_scheduler: bool = False
field estimation_mode: Literal['fisher_gradients', 'fisher_exact'] = 'fisher_exact'
field internal_optimizer: Union[deeperwin.configuration._OptimizerConfigSGD, deeperwin.configuration.StandardOptimizerConfig] = _OptimizerConfigSGD(name='sgd', learning_rate=1.0, lr_schedule=ConstantLRSchedule(name='fixed'), scaled_modules=None, scale_lr=1.0)

Internal optimizer to use for applying the preconditioned gradients calculated by KFAC. Use SGD for ‘pure’ KFAC.

field learning_rate: float = 0.1
field lr_schedule: Union[deeperwin.configuration.InverseLRScheduleConfig, deeperwin.configuration.ConstantLRSchedule] = InverseLRScheduleConfig(name='inverse', decay_time=6000.0)

Schedule for the learning rate decay

field min_damping: float = 0.0001
field momentum: float = 0.0
field n_burn_in: int = 0
field name: Literal['kfac'] = 'kfac'

Identifier. Fixed

field norm_constraint: float = 0.003
field register_generic: bool = False
field update_inverse_period: int = 1

Period of how often the fisher matrix is being updated (in batches). e.g. update_inverse_period==1 means that it is updated after every gradient step.

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.BFGSOptimizerConfig[source]
field hessian_regularization: float = 100.0

Amount of Tikhonov regularization to apply

field internal_optimizer: deeperwin.configuration.StandardOptimizerConfig = StandardOptimizerConfig(name='adam', learning_rate=0.001, lr_schedule=InverseLRScheduleConfig(name='inverse', decay_time=6000.0), scaled_modules=None, scale_lr=1.0)

Configuration for built-in optimizer to update the parameters, usinge the preconditioned gradients calculated by BFGS. Use these internal optimizers to easily implement features like momentum.

field memory_length: int = 2000

Number of gradients to keep in memory to build-up the hessian. Longer memory yields a higher-rank hessian, potentially increasing accuracy, but also slightly increases run-time cost.

field name: Literal['slbfgs'] = 'slbfgs'

Identifier of optimizer. Fixed.

field norm_constraint: float = 0.0005

Maximum of the norm of the preconditioned gradients. If the norm of the preconditioned gradients exceeds this norm_constraint, it will be scaled down to meet this norm.

field update_hessian_every_n_epochs: int = 1

How often to update the hessian. More frequent update (= smaller setting) is preferrable, but can be expensive when using use_variance_reduction=True

field use_variance_reduction: bool = False

Recalculate 2 batches at the end of each epoch to reduce stochastic MCMC noise in the gradients. Improves accuracy at the expense of 2 additional batches per epoch

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.IntermediateEvaluationConfig[source]
field n_epochs: int = 5000

How many evaluation epochs to use for intermediate evaluation.

field opt_epochs: List[int] = []

List of epochs at which to run an intermediate evaluation to accurately assess wavefunction accuracy.

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.SharedOptimizationConfig[source]
field max_age: int = 50

Maximal number of epochs a geometry can be not considered during weight-sharing. Preventing a few geometries from requiring all parameter updates for stddev scheduling

field scheduling_method: Literal['round_robin', 'stddev'] = 'round_robin'

Method to vary between geometries during weight-sharing

field shared_modules: Optional[List[str]] = None

What modules/ parts of the neural network should be shared during weight-sharing

field use: bool = True
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.CheckpointConfig[source]
field additional_n_epochs: List[int] = []
field keep_every_n_epochs: int = 50000
field replace_every_n_epochs: int = 1000
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.OptimizationConfig[source]
field checkpoints: deeperwin.configuration.CheckpointConfig = CheckpointConfig(replace_every_n_epochs=1000, keep_every_n_epochs=50000, additional_n_epochs=[])
field clipping: deeperwin.configuration.ClippingConfig = ClippingConfig(name='tanh', width_metric='std', center='mean', from_previous_step=True, clip_by=5.0)

Config for clipping the local energies in the loss function. Clipping significantly improves optimization stability.

field intermediate_eval: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.IntermediateEvaluationConfig] = None

Config for running intermediate evaluation runs during wavefunction optimization to obtain accurate estimates of current accuracy

field mcmc: deeperwin.configuration.MCMCConfigOptimization = MCMCConfigOptimization(n_inter_steps=20, n_burn_in=1000, max_age=20, stepsize_update_interval=100, n_walkers=2048, target_acceptance_rate=0.5, min_stepsize_scale=0.01, max_stepsize_scale=1.0, proposal=MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal'))
field n_epochs: int = 60000

Number of epochs for wavefunction optimization

field n_epochs_prev: int = 0

Nr of epochs that this wavefunction has already been optimized. This can be used to store number of previous epochs after a restart

field optimizer: Union[deeperwin.configuration.OptimizerConfigKFAC, deeperwin.configuration._OptimizerConfigKFACwithAdam, deeperwin.configuration.StandardOptimizerConfig, deeperwin.configuration.BFGSOptimizerConfig] = OptimizerConfigKFAC(name='kfac', learning_rate=0.1, lr_schedule=InverseLRScheduleConfig(name='inverse', decay_time=6000.0), momentum=0.0, norm_constraint=0.003, damping=0.001, damping_scheduler=False, estimation_mode='fisher_exact', register_generic=False, update_inverse_period=1, n_burn_in=0, min_damping=0.0001, curvature_ema=0.95, internal_optimizer=_OptimizerConfigSGD(name='sgd', learning_rate=1.0, lr_schedule=ConstantLRSchedule(name='fixed'), scaled_modules=None, scale_lr=1.0))

Which optimizer to use and its corresponding sub-options

field shared_optimization: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.SharedOptimizationConfig] = None

Config for shared optimization of multiple wavefunctions using weight-sharing between them

field use_batch_reweighting: bool = False

Reweight gradients for different samples with the changes in log(psi^2) between batches

property n_epochs_total
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.RestartConfig[source]
field continue_n_epochs: bool = True

Whether to increment n_epochs_prev in the config, to keep track of total epochs trained

field ignore_extra_settings: bool = False

Whether to ignore extra config flags that are no longer compatible with the current config

field mode: Literal['restart'] = 'restart'
field path: str [Required]

Path to a previous calculation directory, containing a results.bz2 file

field randomize_mcmc_rng: bool = False

Whether to change the state of the random-number-generator of the MCMC state. Does not move walkers, but will change their future random walk

field reuse_clipping_state: bool = True

Whehter to re-use the clipping state for optimization to clip local energy. This may only make sense when calculating a wavefunction for the same (or very similar) geometry

field reuse_config: bool = True

Whether to re-use the configuration of the original run or whether to start from a new default config

field reuse_fixed_params: bool = True

Whether to re-use fixed (i.e. non-trainable) params

field reuse_mcmc_state: bool = True

Whether to re-use the position of MCMC walkers. This may only make sense when calculating a wavefunction for the same (or very similar) geometry

field reuse_modules: Optional[List[str]] = None

Model-specific list of strings, detailing which submodules should be re-used vs. re-initialized randomly. Names of modules to re-used is the same as the list of modules for weight-sharing-constraints.

field reuse_opt_state: bool = True

Reuse state of the optimizer, e.g. momentum, hessian estimates

field reuse_trainable_params: bool = True

Whether to re-use the trainable weights of the neural networks. Use reuse_modules to specify only specific parts of the model to be re-used.

field skip_burn_in: bool = True

Whether to skip burn-in steps for MCMC walkers

field skip_pretraining: bool = True

Whether to skip supervised pretraining of the wavefunction using HartreeFock

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ReuseConfig[source]

Do not introduce new fields here

field continue_n_epochs: bool = False

Whether to increment n_epochs_prev in the config, to keep track of total epochs trained

field ignore_extra_settings: bool = False

Whether to ignore extra config flags that are no longer compatible with the current config

field mode: Literal['reuse'] = 'reuse'
field reuse_clipping_state: bool = False

Whehter to re-use the clipping state for optimization to clip local energy. This may only make sense when calculating a wavefunction for the same (or very similar) geometry

field reuse_config: bool = False

Whether to re-use the configuration of the original run or whether to start from a new default config

field reuse_fixed_params: bool = False

Whether to re-use fixed (i.e. non-trainable) params

field reuse_mcmc_state: bool = False

Whether to re-use the position of MCMC walkers. This may only make sense when calculating a wavefunction for the same (or very similar) geometry

field reuse_modules: Optional[List[str]] = None

Model-specific list of strings, detailing which submodules should be re-used vs. re-initialized randomly. Names of modules to re-used is the same as the list of modules for weight-sharing-constraints.

field reuse_opt_state: bool = False

Reuse state of the optimizer, e.g. momentum, hessian estimates

field reuse_trainable_params: bool = True

Whether to re-use the trainable weights of the neural networks. Use reuse_modules to specify only specific parts of the model to be re-used.

field skip_burn_in: bool = False

Whether to skip burn-in steps for MCMC walkers

field skip_pretraining: bool = False

Whether to skip supervised pretraining of the wavefunction using HartreeFock

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ForceEvaluationConfig[source]
field R_core: float = 0.5
field R_cut: float = 0.1
field use: bool = True
field use_antithetic_sampling: bool = False
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.EvaluationConfig[source]
field calculate_energies: bool = True
field forces: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.ForceEvaluationConfig] = None
field mcmc: deeperwin.configuration.MCMCConfigEvaluation = MCMCConfigEvaluation(n_inter_steps=20, n_burn_in=500, max_age=100, stepsize_update_interval=100, n_walkers=2048, target_acceptance_rate=0.5, min_stepsize_scale=0.01, max_stepsize_scale=1.0, proposal=MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal'))
field n_epochs: int = 10000
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.PhysicalConfigChange[source]
field E_ref: Optional[float] = None
field R: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None
field comment: Optional[str] = None
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.PhysicalConfig[source]
field E_ref: Optional[float] = None

Known ground-truth energy as reference for output. This value is not used in the actual calculation, but only to benchmark the achieved results.

field E_ref_source: Optional[str] = None

Source of included reference energy

field R: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None

List of lists, specifiying the position of all ions. Outer index loops over ions, inder index loops over 3 coordinates XYZ.

field Z: Optional[List[int]] = None

Nuclear charges per ion

field changes: Optional[List[deeperwin.configuration.PhysicalConfigChange]] = None

List of changes to be made to this physical-configuration to obtain different molecules. This can be used to calculate multiple geometries with similar settings, by specifying a base configuration (e.g. charge, spin, CASSCF-settings, etc) and only specifying the changes (e.g. in nuclear geometry) in the changes section.

field comment: Optional[str] = None

Optional comment to keep track of molecules, geometries or experiments

field el_ion_mapping: Optional[List[int]] = None

Initial position of electrons. len(el_ion_mapping) == n_electrons. For each electron the list-entry specifies the index of the nucleus where the electron should be initialized. Note that the n_up first entries in this list correpsond to spin-up electrons and the remaining entries correspond to spin-down electrons

field n_cas_electrons: Optional[int] = None

Number of active electrons to include in the CASSCF calculation. Other electrons will be kept fixed in their respective orbitals.

field n_cas_orbitals: Optional[int] = None

Number of active orbitals to include in the CASSCF calculation. Other orbitals are kept as always occupied or always unoccupied, depending on their energy.

field n_electrons: Optional[int] = None

Total number of electrons in the system

field n_up: Optional[int] = None

Number of spin-up electrons

field name: Optional[str] = None

Name of the molecule to be calculated. If other physical parameters are not specified, this name will be used as a lookup-key to find default values.

property n_dn
property n_ions
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.LoggerBaseConfig[source]
field n_skip_epochs: int = 0
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.WandBConfig[source]
field blacklist: List[str] = []
field entity: Optional[str] = None
field id: Optional[str] = None
field project: Optional[str] = 'default'
field use_id: bool = False
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.BasicLoggerConfig[source]
field fname: Optional[str] = 'log.out'
field log_level: Union[int, Literal['CRITICAL', 'FATAL', 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG']] = 'DEBUG'
field log_to_stdout: bool = True
field n_skip_epochs: int = 9
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.PickleLoggerConfig[source]
field fname: str = 'results.bz2'
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.LoggingConfig[source]
field basic: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.BasicLoggerConfig] = BasicLoggerConfig(n_skip_epochs=9, log_to_stdout=True, log_level='DEBUG', fname='log.out')

Config for basic logger, which will produce human-readable log-files using the python built-in logging module

field log_opt_state: bool = True

Flag whether to log the full state of the optimizer. Note that this can produce very large output-files, in particular when logging the hessian of 2nd-order-optimizers

field pickle: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.PickleLoggerConfig] = PickleLoggerConfig(n_skip_epochs=0, fname='results.bz2')

Config for logging to binary files, which contain machine-readable pickle files containg all configs, metrics and model weights

field tags: List[str] = []

List of tags to help mark/identify runs

field wandb: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.WandBConfig] = None

Config for logging to Weights&Biases

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.DispatchConfig[source]
field conda_env: str = 'jax'

Conda environment to select in SLURM-job-script. Not relevant for local execution

field eval_epochs: Optional[int] = None
field queue: Literal['default', 'vsc3plus_0064', 'devel_0128', 'gpu_a40dual', 'gpu_gtx1080amd', 'gpu_gtx1080multi', 'gpu_gtx1080single', 'gpu_v100', 'gpu_k20m', 'gpu_rtx2080ti', 'jupyter', 'normal_binf', 'vsc3plus_0256', 'mem_0096', 'devel_0096', 'jupyter', 'mem_0096', 'mem_0384', 'mem_0768', 'gpu_a100_dual'] = 'default'

SLURM queue to use for job submission on compute clusters. Not relevant for local execution

field split_opt: Optional[List[int]] = None
field system: Literal['local', 'local_background', 'vsc3', 'vsc4', 'dgx', 'auto'] = 'auto'

Which compute-cluster to use for this experiment. ‘auto’ detects whether the code is running on a known compute-cluster and selects the corresponding profile, or otherwise defaults to local execution

field time: str = '3day'

Maximum job run-time to use for job submission on compute clusters. Not relevant for local execution

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.ComputationConfig[source]
field disable_jit: bool = False
field disable_tensor_cores: bool = True
field float_precision: Literal['float32', 'float64'] = 'float32'
field force_device_count: bool = False
field n_local_devices: Optional[int] = None
field n_nodes: int = 1
field require_gpu: bool = False
field rng_seed: Optional[int] = None
field use_gpu: bool = True


field use_profiler: bool = False
pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.PreTrainingConfig[source]
field baseline: deeperwin.configuration.CASSCFConfig = CASSCFConfig(name='casscf', basis_set='6-311G', cusps=CuspCorrectionConfig(use=True, cusp_type='mo', r_cusp_el_ion_scale=1.0), only_hf=False)

Physical baseline settings for pre-training

field mcmc: deeperwin.configuration.MCMCConfigPreTrain = MCMCConfigPreTrain(n_inter_steps=1, n_burn_in=0, max_age=20, stepsize_update_interval=1000, n_walkers=2048, target_acceptance_rate=0.5, min_stepsize_scale=0.01, max_stepsize_scale=1.0, proposal=MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal'))
field n_epochs: int = 1000

Number of pre-training steps to fit DL-wavefunction to a baseline calculation as e.g. Hartree Fock

field optimizer: Union[deeperwin.configuration._OptimizerConfigAdamForPretraining, deeperwin.configuration.StandardOptimizerConfig] = _OptimizerConfigAdamForPretraining(name='adam', learning_rate=0.0003, lr_schedule=ConstantLRSchedule(name='fixed'), scaled_modules=None, scale_lr=1.0)

Optimizer used for pre-training only. Setting will not affect standard optimization

field use: bool = True
field use_only_leading_determinant: bool = True

Whether to use only Hartree Fock determinant for pre-training or for each DL-wavefunction determinant a different CAS determinant

pydantic model deeperwin.configuration.Configuration[source]

Root configuration for DeepErwin

field comment: Optional[str] = None

Optional coment to keep track of experiments

field computation: deeperwin.configuration.ComputationConfig = ComputationConfig(use_gpu=True, require_gpu=False, n_local_devices=None, n_nodes=1, rng_seed=None, force_device_count=False, disable_jit=False, float_precision='float32', disable_tensor_cores=True, use_profiler=False)

Options regarding computational details such as GPU usage and float precision

field dispatch: deeperwin.configuration.DispatchConfig = DispatchConfig(system='auto', queue='default', time='3day', conda_env='jax', split_opt=None, eval_epochs=None)

Options regarding where the code is being run, i.e. locally vs asynchronysly on a compute-cluster

field evaluation: deeperwin.configuration.EvaluationConfig = EvaluationConfig(mcmc=MCMCConfigEvaluation(n_inter_steps=20, n_burn_in=500, max_age=100, stepsize_update_interval=100, n_walkers=2048, target_acceptance_rate=0.5, min_stepsize_scale=0.01, max_stepsize_scale=1.0, proposal=MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal')), n_epochs=10000, calculate_energies=True, forces=None)

The evaluation of the wavefunction (after optimization)

field experiment_name: Optional[str] = 'deeperwin_experiment'

Experiment name to keep track of experiments

field logging: deeperwin.configuration.LoggingConfig = LoggingConfig(tags=[], log_opt_state=True, basic=BasicLoggerConfig(n_skip_epochs=9, log_to_stdout=True, log_level='DEBUG', fname='log.out'), wandb=None, pickle=PickleLoggerConfig(n_skip_epochs=0, fname='results.bz2'))

The output of the code, e.g. logging to files, or online-services

field model: Union[deeperwin.configuration.ModelConfigDeepErwin4, deeperwin.configuration.ModelConfigFermiNet, deeperwin.configuration.ModelConfigDeepErwin1] = ModelConfigDeepErwin4(features=InputFeatureConfigDPE4(use_rbf_features=False, n_rbf_features=0, use_distance_features=True, use_el_ion_differences=True, use_el_el_differences=False, use_el_el_spin=False, use_local_coordinates=True, n_one_el_features=0, n_ion_features=32, concatenate_el_ion_features=True, n_hidden_one_el_features=[], eps_dist_feat=0.01, distance_feature_powers=[1], name='dpe4'), embedding=EmbeddingConfigDeepErwin4(name='dpe4', n_hidden_one_el=[256, 256, 256, 256], n_hidden_two_el=[32, 32, 32], n_hidden_el_ions=[32, 32, 32], n_iterations=4, use_el_ion_stream=True, use_average_h_one=True, initialization=InitializationConfig(bias_scale=0.0, weight_scale='glorot', weight_distribution='uniform'), use_average_h_two=False, use_h_one=True, use_h_two_same_diff=True, use_schnet_features=True, sum_schnet_features=False, emb_dim=32, use_linear_out=False, use_w_mapping=True), orbitals=OrbitalsConfigFermiNet(baseline_orbitals=None, envelope_orbitals=EnvelopeOrbitalsConfig(envelope_type='isotropic_exp', n_hidden=[], use_bias=False, initialization='constant'), n_determinants=32, use_full_det=True), mlp=MLPConfig(activation='tanh', init_bias_scale=0.0, init_weights_scale='fan_avg', init_weights_distribution='uniform'), jastrow=None, use_el_el_cusp_correction=False, name='dpe4')

The actual wavefunction model mapping electron coordinates to psi

field optimization: deeperwin.configuration.OptimizationConfig = OptimizationConfig(mcmc=MCMCConfigOptimization(n_inter_steps=20, n_burn_in=1000, max_age=20, stepsize_update_interval=100, n_walkers=2048, target_acceptance_rate=0.5, min_stepsize_scale=0.01, max_stepsize_scale=1.0, proposal=MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal')), optimizer=OptimizerConfigKFAC(name='kfac', learning_rate=0.1, lr_schedule=InverseLRScheduleConfig(name='inverse', decay_time=6000.0), momentum=0.0, norm_constraint=0.003, damping=0.001, damping_scheduler=False, estimation_mode='fisher_exact', register_generic=False, update_inverse_period=1, n_burn_in=0, min_damping=0.0001, curvature_ema=0.95, internal_optimizer=_OptimizerConfigSGD(name='sgd', learning_rate=1.0, lr_schedule=ConstantLRSchedule(name='fixed'), scaled_modules=None, scale_lr=1.0)), n_epochs=60000, n_epochs_prev=0, use_batch_reweighting=False, checkpoints=CheckpointConfig(replace_every_n_epochs=1000, keep_every_n_epochs=50000, additional_n_epochs=[]), clipping=ClippingConfig(name='tanh', width_metric='std', center='mean', from_previous_step=True, clip_by=5.0), intermediate_eval=None, shared_optimization=None)

The wavefunction optimization

field physical: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.PhysicalConfig] [Required]

The physical system/molecule being calculated

field pre_training: Optional[deeperwin.configuration.PreTrainingConfig] = PreTrainingConfig(use=True, mcmc=MCMCConfigPreTrain(n_inter_steps=1, n_burn_in=0, max_age=20, stepsize_update_interval=1000, n_walkers=2048, target_acceptance_rate=0.5, min_stepsize_scale=0.01, max_stepsize_scale=1.0, proposal=MCMCSimpleProposalConfig(name='normal')), n_epochs=1000, optimizer=_OptimizerConfigAdamForPretraining(name='adam', learning_rate=0.0003, lr_schedule=ConstantLRSchedule(name='fixed'), scaled_modules=None, scale_lr=1.0), use_only_leading_determinant=True, baseline=CASSCFConfig(name='casscf', basis_set='6-311G', cusps=CuspCorrectionConfig(use=True, cusp_type='mo', r_cusp_el_ion_scale=1.0), only_hf=False))

Supervised pre-training of the orbitals to fit the baseline orbitals.

field reuse: Optional[Union[deeperwin.configuration.RestartConfig, deeperwin.configuration.ReuseConfig]] = None

Reuse information from a previosu runt to smartly initialize weights or MCMC walkers.